
Making a Conscious Impact in Nepal

I am an incredibly privileged human being. I fully recognize the inherent privilege I have just because I was born in the right place in the right time. I have two incredibly supportive parents and grew up in a wonderful neighborhood where everyone actually checks in with each other and borrows cupfuls of sugar. I went to amazing schools and graduated from a great university. I know that my family would always support me but I also know that not everyone is as privileged as I am. 
I have always known how lucky I am to be living the life I am, but sometimes it is easy to forget about the other part of the world that does not have those luxuries. With the amount of travel I have been on this past year (another privilege I have been granted) it becomes harder to forget these people. 
These people are the vast majority of the world. 
While searching for somewhere to travel on my September break from school, up popped a post on my Facebook newsfeed. Read More...