
Nepal 2015- A Call for Donations

Hello y'all!
As some of you may have heard, I live in Qatar. 
OK, unless this is your first time here, you already knew that.

Qatar has awarded me some incredible opportunities. I have a great job, great friends, a great savings, and great travel opportunities.
After whisking myself off to multiple countries and multiple continents for the first time, (on my own dime- thanks Mom and Dad!)this year, I feel like it's time to give that back.
Qatar is an excellent opportunity for me but it may not be for every one. In April, Nepal was hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that left most of the country in ruins. As I am incredibly close and am lucky to get time off of work, I will be spending my break in Nepal to help with rebuilding sustainable long term homes (using my questionable manual labor abilities). There are many Nepalese people living in Qatar and it is believed that many were not able to return home to their families or homes after the earthquake. I cannot bring people back to their families but I can do something- donate my money and my time.

I will be traveling to Nepal with Conscious Impact. Conscious Impact "inspires, mobilizes and trains volunteers to compassionately and selflessly serve those in need through international, cross-cultural collaborations. Our programs are designed to maximize impact through sustainable and community-led solutions."

Although I am donating my own money, I am also putting it out there for my friends and family. I am hoping to raise money for the building supplies as well as for food and shelter for the week.

Follow this link --> EMPOWERED.ORG/LEANNEK
scroll down and click the orange button that says "Donate Now." 
Hint: You are not a robot.

Everything helps- 5 bucks, 20 bucks, words of encouragement- anything you can spare. I thank every single one of you for staying long enough to read this (who actually reads these things?) and a special thanks to those that donate! I will keep you all updated regardless :)

Although voluntourism is something to educate yourself about, I truly believe that through Conscious Impact, I will be doing something good.

A European Summer

Growing up, I didn't hear a whole lot about Poland, but I knew that it is where my grandfather grew up. Being what I would call a European mutt, I identified with being Polish more than anything else.
My mother's family is multiple generation Californian while my paternal grandmother is also quite American. When I did hear about my paternal grandfather's life in Poland before moving to the states, it was always a great thrill. After my grandfather passed away in January of 2013, I made it my goal to make it back to Poland. Read More...