My mother's family is multiple generation Californian while my paternal grandmother is also quite American. When I did hear about my paternal grandfather's life in Poland before moving to the states, it was always a great thrill. After my grandfather passed away in January of 2013, I made it my goal to make it back to Poland. Read More...
After spending my first year in Qatar, I was more than ready to come back home to the states for the summer. Although I had made it to multiple countries and continents throughout the year, my travel itch wasn't quite scratched enough.
A quick stop in Europe it would be! The plan began as a week stop in Poland but quickly became a month long backpack up through Eastern and Central Europe. Starting in Budapest, I would make my way up and around to end in Germany, with a layover in Copenhagen on the way back to the states.
30 days.
7 countries.
10 cities.
Let's go!
In posts below are pictures from my whole trip. Each city has pictures galore but without context. So if you want to know any more feel free to comment, text, email, facebook, page, fax, however you prefer to communicate! I would love to describe what I did and how I felt during every single moment of my trip. Ask about my trip to the Kutna Hora emergency room or what it's like to drive around Krakow to pick up crutches while listening to Gangster's Paradise on repeat.
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me.
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